AI Edge Inference IP Leader Expedera Opens R&D Office in India

June 5, 2024

Expedera, a leader in AI edge inference intellectual property (IP), has announced the opening of a new research and development (R&D) office in India. This strategic expansion underscores Expedera’s commitment to innovation and growth in the AI industry, and it highlights the importance of India as a global hub for technology and talent.


About Expedera

Expedera is renowned for its cutting-edge AI edge inference solutions, which are integral to various applications such as autonomous vehicles, smart devices, and industrial automation. The company specializes in providing IP for AI accelerators, which enhance the performance and efficiency of AI computations at the edge of networks, close to where data is generated.


Strategic Importance of the Indian R&D Office

The decision to establish an R&D office in India is a strategic move by Expedera to tap into the rich pool of skilled engineers and researchers in the country. India is known for its robust technology sector and has become a favored destination for global tech companies looking to expand their research capabilities.


Objectives of the New R&D Office

The new R&D office in India will focus on several key objectives:

  • Innovation in AI Technology: The office will drive innovation in AI edge inference technologies, developing new solutions that can be integrated into various applications.
  • Collaboration and Partnerships: Expedera aims to collaborate with local universities, research institutions, and industry partners to foster a vibrant ecosystem for AI research and development.
  • Talent Development: The office will also focus on nurturing local talent, providing opportunities for Indian engineers and researchers to work on cutting-edge AI technologies.


Benefits of the Expansion

The opening of the R&D office in India brings numerous benefits to both Expedera and the local tech community:

  • Enhanced R&D Capabilities: The new office will bolster Expedera’s R&D capabilities, allowing the company to accelerate the development of innovative AI solutions.
  • Access to Talent: By establishing a presence in India, Expedera gains access to a vast pool of skilled professionals, enhancing its ability to drive technological advancements.
  • Economic Impact: The expansion will contribute to the local economy by creating job opportunities and fostering technological growth in the region.

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