Tips for Applying for a PCT/ International Patent

February 11, 2021

You can always streamline the National Phase filing process through a PCT application that makes it easier and cheaper for you to file any patent application in different countries. 

It’s always a great idea to file a patent through PCT within the Timeline. Also, ensure you can file a patent in diverse countries and get adequate safety for your invention, which cannot be copied by unauthorized professionals. 

You can consider PCT as a cheaper alternative to filing a patent in every member country and here we’re providing a few quick tips to help you in this procedure. 

Who can file an international patent application under PCT?

Anyone can file a PCT Application if you are a national or even a resident of a PCT contracting state. Moreover, if you have 2 or more applicants who are filling international patent applications under PCT, only one of you needs to meet the requirements. You can always seek professional help from expert service providers who are well-versed with all the requirements for applying PCT. 

Where to file an international patent application?

You can always file an international patent application with your national patent office or as per your state’s national security regulations & provisions. Every country and respected state may have different criteria for filing the patent application under PCT. You can explore the official website and check your country’s rules & regulations before filing a PCT. Also, it’s advised to seek professional help if you’re not sure how to plan everything. 

File PCT Application Electronically 

Many people prefer filing PCT through online portals offered by the officials of their respective states/countries. This is perhaps the easiest way to get the job done without much hassle. You just need to visit the WIPO web service page and provide the necessary details regarding your patent. 

It is again advised to seek professional help to make this procedure smooth. Only experts can help you in filing an international patent application under PCT without any issues and in a lesser time. This was all about applying for a PCT international patent for your invention or idea. 

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