What Are The Four Main Types Of Intellectual Property Protections?

October 16, 2022

Trade secrets, patents, trademarks, and copyrights are the four main types of intellectual property protection. It can be difficult to decide how to protect intellectual property in the best possible way. Particularly in highly specialized areas like industrial design or computer algorithms, this may be the situation.

  • For example, while building and selling new computer programs, it may be essential to copyright, patent, and brand the algorithms and code.

An intellectual property lawyer can help relieve your mind. And ensure that your property is completely secure because choosing intellectual property protection needs deep thinking.

1. Copyrights

Writing and artistic creations are secured by copyrights for the creator’s lifetime plus another 70 years.

As original ideas cannot be protected, these creative works help as a solid reminder of the creator’s original concepts. And copyrights secure manuscripts, books, song lyrics, paintings, photos, sound recordings, and all other works.

Copyright protects the original work as soon as it is created, but registration provides owners of copyrights extra, exclusive rights. It enables owners to demand monetary damages and lawyer fees in the event of a lawsuit and can assist in protecting their rights against violation through litigation.

2. Trademarks

Trademarks are essential for intellectual property protection. Like trademarks protect words, phrases, symbols, and designs that identify one’s goods or services. Trademark registration is updated every ten years. And is valid for as long as the mark is used in trade. As a result, trademarks ranking is one of the most important IP protections for companies.

Intellectual property assures that a company is continuously recognizable to customers. As a result, if a competitor’s logo has a similarity to your own that could confuse customers, you won’t be able to trademark it.

3. Utility Patents

Utility patents provide 20 years of protection for several types of ideas. A patent can only protect an innovation that is new or original; therefore, you cannot patent a product that already exists.

4. Trade Secrets

Your business may choose to protect its trade secrets and not reveal them to outside parties. Trade secrets are a kind of intellectual property. This could be performed to protect a monetary benefit that might be at risk if your trade secrets like to leak to the public or were to be stolen by a competitor.

Trade secrets do not provide official safety for your intellectual property because they are not released publicly and are not registered with any official office. However, any stealing of a trade secret is criminal in court as well as you can show that you took steps to hold and protect it. Considering that stealing information (also known as intercompany theft of ideas) is a criminal violation, this punishment may be criminal in nature.

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