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IIPLA’s 2nd Global IP Summit is organized for IP lawyers, in-house and external IP counsel, law firm partners, legal service providers, legal outsourcing service executives, policymakers, IP service buyers and investors in the IP world, along with the stakeholders in the legal and Intellectual Property Industry. The attendees further include educators & learners from global universities.

IIPLA’s 2nd Global IP Summit 2016 is the next step towards the unification of IP trends Worldwide. IIPLA’s 2nd Global IP Summit aims to create an International Forum of Intellectual Property for In-house IP lawyers, partners, IP Agencies, Law firms, and providers of other services in the legal industry. IIPLA’s 2nd Global IP Summit facilitates the exchange of experience & ideas and encourages cross border cooperation. Thus, IIPLA’s 2nd Global IP Summit would enrich the participants with IP knowledge, resources, and application in the future.
