Filing Industrial Design Application in Italy

Industrial Design Application filing fees in Ireland

Fees associated with filing the industrial design application in Italy as well as other design fees are available in the fee calculator.

Term for industrial design application filing in Italy

The term for filing an industrial design application in Italy claiming conventional priority is six months from the priority date. This term may be restored, under exceptional circumstances, within two months from the expiration of a six-month time limit.

Minimum industrial design filing requirements

To obtain a filing date, it is necessary to provide the Italian Patent and Trademark Office with the applicant’s data (name, address, nationality), drawings of the design (.jpeg format), and evidence of payment of the official filing fee.

Multiple industrial design application

Multiple industrial design applications are possible in Italy.

Validity term for a design application in Italy

The industrial design patent in Italy is valid for five years from the date of filing and may be further renewed for one or more periods of five years each up to a total term of 25 years from the date of filing.

Analysis of an industrial design application in Italy

The Italian Patent Office carries out an examination verifying formal requirements of the Italian design application and other relevant substantial requirements. No examination of the novelty and individual character is conducted for the industrial design application in Italy.

Priority document for application

For confirmation of the right of priority, the certified copy of the priority application should be submitted within six months from filing the design application in Italy. If the certified copy of the priority document is filed in a language other than Italian, a translation into Italian is to be submitted to the Italian Patent Office within two months from the date of submission of the certified copy.

Power of Attorney requirements in Italy

Legalization or notarization of the Power of Attorney is not required. It may be provided within two months from filing the industrial design application.

Novelty grace period for design application

12 months from disclosure of the information about the industrial design before filing the application or priority date thereof, if any.

Representation by an Italian patent attorney

For foreigners residing outside Italy or the European Economic Area (EEA), it is recommended to perform the design prosecution through an agent: a registered Italian patent attorney or a foreign lawyer provided that he has an address for service within the EEA.

What can be registered in Italy

The appearance of the product resulting from the features of the shape, lines, colors, contours, texture, or materials of the product or its decoration.


1. Online Search databases: Italian Designs, Community Designs (EUIPO), International Designs.

2. Industrial design registered in Italy via national procedure is valid in San Marino and vice versa.

3. Industrial design protection in Italy may also be obtained via registration of the Community Design.

If you have any queries related to the design patent registration in Italy, please contact IIPLA team. We will be more than happy to resolve your queries free of cost.

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