PCT National Phase Entry in Georgia

Fees for Georgian PCT patent application

Fees associated with the Georgian PCT National Phase Entry as well as other patent fees are available in the fee calculator.

The time limit for entering the PCT national phase in Georgia

The time limit for Georgian PCT National Phase Entry is 31 months from the priority date. The restoration of this term is possible within 2 months after elimination of the reasons causing the violation of the term or within 12 months after the expiration of the 31 months term, whichever expires earlier.

Filing requirements for Georgian patent application

To obtain a filing date, it is necessary to provide the Georgian Patent Office with the request to grant a patent in Georgian and international application materials.

Language of the patent application in Georgia

The official language is Georgian. Entering the Georgian PCT national phase may be initiated in any other foreign language with further submission of Georgian translation within two months.

Power of Attorney requirements in Georgia

An original of the POA must be provided at the time of filing or within two months from the filing date. Official legalization is not required.

Assignment Deed for patent application

If the applicant of the Georgian patent application is not an inventor, the document confirming his rights must be provided within two months from the date of filing.

Substantive examination request for application in Georgia

The substantive examination must be requested within two months from the notification about the positive decision of the formal examination.

Novelty grace period for Georgian patent application

Disclosure should not be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within 12 months before the international filing date (priority date): a) by the action of an inventor or his/her successor in title; b) if information for the third party is disclosed, directly or indirectly, on the condition of confidentiality; c) as a result of third party’s action in bad faith against the inventor or his/her successor.

Grant and patent maintenance fees in Georgia

The official fee for grant and publication as well as the official fees for maintaining the patent in force starting from the 3rd year must be paid within two months from the issuance of the decision to grant a patent in Georgia.

Representation by a Georgian patent attorney

For foreigners, it is recommended to perform the PCT national stage entry through an agent, a registered Georgian patent attorney. It is necessary to indicate an address for correspondence in Georgia.


1. Online Search Databases: Georgian Patents, Georgian Utility Models.

2. PCT application may also be nationalized in Georgia as a utility model.

If you have any queries related to the PCT National Phase Entry in Georgia, please contact IIPLA team. We will be more than happy to resolve your queries free of cost.

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