Trademark Filing in China

Trademark fees

For accurate trademark filing fees in China, contact IIPLA today. 

Multiple-class applications

In China, it is possible to register Multiple-class applications.

Filing requirements in China

For the obtainment of registration, a trademark application in China should contain:

– Power of Attorney.

– applicant’s details.

– representation of the trademark.

– a list of goods and services.

In China, a signed copy of the Power of Attorney is necessary. It is advisable to submit it at the time of filing. 

In China, if the Priority Document is in any other language, the deadline to submit the English translation of the priority document is likely three months from the earliest priority date claimed.

Examination, publication, and opposition against a trademark application in China

In China, trademark applications undergo formal and substantive considerations. The request for a substantive review of a trademark application in China must e made within six months from the priority date.

Any interested person or party may file an opposition within three months from the date of publication.

Provisional Refusal

In China, it takes 15 days to file a response to the temporary refusal of an international registration. This 15 days is counted from the date of its receipt by the applicant. It is essential to file some evidence confirming the date of receipt. It is crucial to appoint a Chinese trademark attorney for registring a response.

Grant, validity term

In China, a trademark is valid for ten years from the date of its filing. It can be renewed within 12 months prior to its expiration date.

You can apply for a six months grace period. You have to pay an additional fee for the grace period. You can always renew the trademark for each ten years term.

Duration of registration procedure

In China, the processing time from filing to trademark registration is approximately 9-12 months.

Use requirement

It is important in china to use the trademark for a continuous three years time unless the trademark is subject to its cancellation.

Representation by a trademark attorney

Any foreigners who wish to start trademark prosecution in China must appoint an agent, a Chinese IP attorney.

If you have any queries related to the Trademark Filing in China, please contact IIPLA team. We will be more than happy to resolve your queries free of cost.

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