Trademark Filing in the UK

Trademark fees

Contact IIPLA today for Fees associated with trademark application filing in the United Kingdom.

Multiple-class applications

Multiple-class trademark applications are possible in the UK IPO.

Filing requirements in the United Kingdom

English is the official language of proceedings before the UK IPO.

A trademark application in the United Kingdom must contain:

– proof of payment of the prescribed fees.

– representation of the trademark.

– request for registration of a trademark

– name and address of the applicant

– list of the goods or services

Currently, for trademark application, the legislation of the United Kingdom does not require filing a Power of Attorney.

It is not necessary to submit the Priority Document.

The deadline for filing a trademark application in the UK IPO claiming conventional priority is 6 months from the date of priority.

Examination, publication, and opposition to a trademark application in the United Kingdom

When a trademark application has been accepted by the UK IPO, Then it goes through substantive and formal examinations.

The trademark application is published in the Journal if it has been accepted by the Registrar. Anybody can file an objection to registration of trademark application within two months of publication.

Provisional Refusal

The duration for filing a response to the provisional refusal of international trademark registration in the UK is 2 months from the date of its refusal. English is the language of the response. An extension of this time limit is possible. There is an option to file an appeal to the provisional refusal after a response to the provisional refusal has been submitted. For foreign applicants residing outside of the EU, it is necessary to appoint a local representative to file the response.

Grant, validity term and trademark renewal

There is no official grant fee. A trademark application is valid for 10 years from the date of its registration. The registration is renewable for 10 successive years. The application for renewal must be filed six months before its expiration date.

Duration of the registration procedure

In the UK, the processing time from first filing to registration is approximately six months.

Use requirement

In the UK, registration of the trademark can be canceled upon a third party’s request on the grounds of non-use.

Representation by a trademark attorney

For foreign applicants residing outside the UK or the European Economic Area (EEA), it is recommended to perform the trademark prosecution in the UK through an agent, a registered UK trademark attorney, or a foreign lawyer provided that he has an address for service within the EEA.

If you have any queries related to the trademark filing in the UK, please contact IIPLA team. We will be more than happy to resolve your queries free of cost.

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