Xiaomi facing litigation at UPC by New NPE Atlantic IP for recently purchased patents.

June 4, 2024
Xiaomi patent infringement lawsuit

Chinese smartphone giant Xiaomi faces a new patent infringement lawsuit from a recently formed patent assertion entity (PAE), Atlantic IP. The lawsuit, filed at the Unified Patent Court (UPC) in Munich, Germany, centers on patents acquired by Atlantic IP shortly before the legal action.

Atlantic IP: A New Player in the Patent Assertion Game

Atlantic IP has emerged as a fresh name in the Non-Practicing Entity (NPE) landscape. NPEs, often referred to as “patent trolls,” acquire patents but don’t manufacture products themselves. Instead, they focus on suing companies for alleged infringement. The details surrounding Atlantic IP’s formation and ownership remain undisclosed.

The Patents at Stake and Xiaomi’s Targeted Technologies

The specific patents involved in the lawsuit haven’t been publicly revealed yet. However, the timing of the acquisition by Atlantic IP and the lawsuit filing suggests they might be relevant to technologies used in Xiaomi’s smartphones or other electronic devices.

Possible areas of infringement could include:

  • Cellular communication technologies (e.g., 4G, 5G)
  • User interface elements or functionalities
  • Smartphone hardware components

The UPC, established in 2022, offers a centralized patent litigation platform for participating European countries. This lawsuit against Xiaomi marks one of the first major cases filed at the UPC, potentially setting a precedent for future patent disputes handled by the court.

Xiaomi Responds to the Lawsuit

Xiaomi has yet to issue an official statement regarding the lawsuit. The company has a history of defending itself against patent infringement claims, often through licensing agreements or litigation in various jurisdictions.

Uncertainty and Potential Implications

The lack of details surrounding the specific patents and Atlantic IP itself creates some uncertainty about the case’s potential outcome. However, the lawsuit highlights a few key points:

  • Rise of NPEs in Europe: The emergence of Atlantic IP and its use of the UPC suggest a potential increase in NPE activity in Europe, particularly with the new centralized court system.
  • Challenges for Smartphone Manufacturers: Smartphone companies like Xiaomi may face growing pressure from NPE litigation, requiring them to develop robust patent defense strategies.
  • Importance of Transparency: A lack of transparency surrounding NPE ownership and the patents in question can make it difficult for targeted companies to assess the merits of the lawsuit.


The legal battle between Atlantic IP and Xiaomi is likely to unfold in the coming months. The outcome will be closely watched by the tech industry, particularly with the UPC playing a central role in European patent disputes.

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