Filing Industrial Design Application in Denmark

Industrial Design Application Fees

Fees associated with filing an industrial design application in Denmark as well as other design charges are available in the fee calculator.

Term for filing the industrial design applications in Denmark

The term for filing the Danish design applications claiming priority is six months from the priority date.

Minimum industrial design application filing documents in Denmark

To obtain a filing date, it is necessary to provide the Danish Patent Office with:

– name and address of the applicant and designer;

– reproductions illustrating the design and, where applicable, a specimen of the design;

– an indication of classes comprising the product according to the Locarno Agreement;

– product specification;

– priority details, if any; and

– name and address of the agent as well as a Power of Attorney.

Multiple industrial design application in Denmark

Design applications in Denmark may cover several designs provided they belong to the same class of the Locarno classification.

Validity term for design application

The total term of a design patent validity in Denmark is 25 years, provided it is renewed every five years. For spare parts, the term of validity is 15 years.

Power of Attorney requirements in Denmark

Legalization or notarisation of the POA is not required. A scanned copy of the signed Power of Attorney is sufficient.

Priority document for application

Submission of the priority document is not required when filing a design application in Denmark; however, information about the priority application should be provided.

Analysis of an industrial design application in Denmark

There is no substantive examination procedure stipulated for design applications in Denmark.

Grace period in design application in Denmark

A 12 months novelty grace period is stipulated before filing a design application.

Grant and maintenance fees for design application

There are no official issuance fees to pay. The first renewal fees must be paid within five years from the application date.

Representation by a Danish patent attorney

For foreigners, it is necessary to perform design prosecution in Denmark through a local agent, a registered Danish design attorney.


1. Online Search databases: Danish Designs, Community Designs (EUIPO), International Designs.

2. The Industrial design protection in Denmark may also be obtained via Community Design registration.

If you have any queries related to the design patent registration in Denmark, please contact IIPLA team. We will be more than happy to resolve your queries free of cost.

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